You Know You're A Techie When...

-you sleep more onstage than you do at home
-a change of diet means ordering from a different pizza place
-each of your mini-mags has a name
-you can leave your wallet laying around but never let go of your crescent wrench
-just saying the words "soda machine" gets change thrown at you
-"genie" doesnt mean 3 wishes
-you can say fresnel and spell it too
-you now suffer from catwalk/soundboard/powertool envy
-you know everyone at home depot
-you know the value of a wonder-bar
-your 14-use tool never leaves your person
-you're always finding new uses for gaffer tape
-"duck tape is used to tape ducks. DUCT tape is what you really want!!"
-sharpies are more valued than gold
-you have food stashed EVERYWHERE in the theatre
-you spell it theatre, not theater
-you can run thru the machine room upstairs in the dark without hitting anything
-"the dock" doesnt imply boats or water
-you're very protective of those giant dimes you made
-you know the songs better than the actors do
-you know the difference between a pin rail and a locking rail
-replacing your boots is an emotional experience
-you can make green paint look black
-you know the secret of the highliter and the blue gels
-you have a pair of gloves in your car, locker, bedroom, back pocket and hidden in the shop
-you don't use spray paint in well-ventilated areas
-you know where the "Techie Tylonol" is hidden
-you know how to wrap cords correctly!
-you find yourself wrapping EVERY cord you come across correctly. (toaster, vacuum, xmas lights, etc)
-any clothes that arent black are paint clothes
-any clothes that arent black must be someone elses to begin with
-you dont strip screws any more
-you can always count on the "hidden screw" when taking something apart
-4 words: really bad British accents!!
-you dont go to any event without noticing the tech-work aspect of it
-you see everything in terms or lumber or screw sizes
-you spend hours learning html just so that you can make a techie website for yourself!!

for other "you know youre a techie when... " lists, go to this site

I "borrowed" this little bit of humor from somewhere on this site, i thought it was strangely reminiscent of the way it feels to think youre caught up a week before musical starts.

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